Sunday, April 8, 2007

Update for the Week

Wow. What a week.
Annette has been and gone is what felt like a whirlwind of a week. I have worked 3 nights of the past week which limited our times that we could do stuff - however I am pretty sure we were busy all the same... hehe...

Thursday was a big day out for all - Elliot had Kindy and Annette and I hit the shops in search for winter things, baby monitors, and all sorts of stuff for the kiddies. And I think we did pretty well.

Here are some pics that I will explain. This should cover our week.

This is Tuesday morning at some silly hour of 0730 after all of 5hours sleep from working the night before and getting up to the kiddies.

This is what a whole 2hours of playing does to little girls at 0845 in the morning

This is our Muscle Man showing his stuff on Wednesday playing with Nanny in the afternoon while Mummy is at work...

These are my flowers fro Easter from Hubby... aren't they pretty - we even made the delivery lady wait in her car while we drove home... hehe

Our gorgeous girl dribbling away having a chat to anyone who will listen. And all pretty to go to the shops that morning and for Mummy to get a hair cut.

And then we went fishing on Friday - not sure who had more fun though - Mummy or Elliot.

Nice Nanny shot with the kiddies - sorry about the bloke in the background - some creative cropping will do the trick.

Friday night after getting a touch burnt at the Rock Pool we went out to Sizzler for dinner and had a ball. Food was great too.

And then this is what happens after a big day out - the next day you don't move for anyone... she didn't get THAT burnt at the Rock Pool - just looks really bad I know.

Then we got some nice Mummy and Me pictures

Then it was Saturday - and yes the Easter bunny came early I know. But we had so much fun looking for our Easter Eggs with our best-est mate Tristan.

Then we got some NUDE shots of our gorgeous girl - looking oh so cute.

Then the morning after the Easter bunny comes again... we have Choc for brekkie and continue all day to try and convince Mummy chocs is OK for Breakfast Lunch and Dinner... hmmm

Oh and do you like my Haircut - Elliot and Annette both got theirs done as well - can you see?... YAY...

So that has been our week - busy busy - and more photos to come.
Hope it works.

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